FAERY FESTIVAL NYC is a long overdue event, bringing enchantment and joy to all who love fantasy, which, we believe, is almost everyone.
November 5th, 2022 at the ANGEL ORENSANZ Foundation Center, located in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, at 172 Norfolk Street, New York, NY from 11am- 5pm, and 8pm- Midnight, enjoy the magical world! Yes, the picture on the left is the Venue! After a magical day of Entertainment and shopping our magical vendors, return after dinner to have the Grand Fairy Masquerade Ball, from 8pm- Midnight...
Vendors of Gossamer Wings and Shining Things! Characters and creatures of the forest and air wander the festival, greeting, interacting with guests and creating a welcoming air of excitement. Crafts, games, hunts, dances other various activities take place continually throughout the day... Bring your child and your grandmama! |
View the PROCESSION of the ROYAL FAERY COURT, and wear your own finery to enter the Pageant Of Costume, or vote for your favorite costume in the Pagaent- Prizes! If you would like to work WITH the Faeries, please contact us here, and let us know if you are wanting to volunteer for the day to offset admission, or have another idea in mind! [email protected] 248 W 60th St, New York, NY 10023
The Grand Fairy Masquerade will happen in the evening! There is a break for dinner and to change costume for the Ball! |