Vendor Application
Vendors will be selected by Magickal Productions and Big Whimsy. Hand made crafts, and services. especially of a fairy, nature, magical or wellness theme will have first preference. All vendors are asked to make their area look as beautiful as possible.
Faery Festival NYC will be Nov 5th, from 11am- Midnight, with a break from 5pm-8pm, with set up beginning at 9am on the morning of the event. Address: 172 Norfolk Street, New York, NY 10002. Vendors are responsible for their own 10x10 popups, decorations, and lock boxes. This is an indoor event. No MLMs - artists only!
10'x10' space is $175.
A 6' table in a smaller space is $120.
Your Vending Fee covers the size space you chose, entrance for 1 vendor and 1 helper for the daytime faire AND the Fairy Ball in the evening! The Festival AND the Ball are included for 2 people.
An application does not guarantee acceptance, as we want both quality crafts and services, but not too many of the same kind. We want all our vendors to do well.
We ask that you decorate your vending space is a whimsical manner, helping to set the ambiance of the Land of Faery!
Faery Festival NYC will be Nov 5th, from 11am- Midnight, with a break from 5pm-8pm, with set up beginning at 9am on the morning of the event. Address: 172 Norfolk Street, New York, NY 10002. Vendors are responsible for their own 10x10 popups, decorations, and lock boxes. This is an indoor event. No MLMs - artists only!
10'x10' space is $175.
A 6' table in a smaller space is $120.
Your Vending Fee covers the size space you chose, entrance for 1 vendor and 1 helper for the daytime faire AND the Fairy Ball in the evening! The Festival AND the Ball are included for 2 people.
An application does not guarantee acceptance, as we want both quality crafts and services, but not too many of the same kind. We want all our vendors to do well.
We ask that you decorate your vending space is a whimsical manner, helping to set the ambiance of the Land of Faery!